Archive for March, 2010

The Beauty of the Bumpit

Maybe you saw the commercial too. It aired before Christmas demonstrating how the amazing Bumpit could make flat hair really big. Instead of teasing your hair to kingdom come, you can simply place the plastic arched Bumpit under your hair to create a raised affect. And voilá, a beautiful and simple do.

My husband, Patrick, was so intrigued with this hair thing, that when he spotted a bin of Bumpits at Bed Bath & Beyond (how do you like that for alliteration?) he purchased one for me as a joke stocking stuffer. Little did he know how important this piece of plastic would play in simplifying my life. Yes, this post does actually have a point. Simplicity is one of MOMentous Health’s key principles. So hang with me a bit longer.

My friend Gigi, who has two beautiful and stylish daughters and therefore is up on girl things­­­­––unlike me with my two boys––has witnessed first-hand how amazing this Bumpit thing is as I have secretly pointed it out to her when I was sporting one. And like Patrick, she too was totally intrigued and placed her stamp of approval upon my head.

As a little side note, the Bumpit comes in three sizes: mini, medium, and Hollywood. I wouldn’t recommend wearing the Hollywood Bumpit on windy days (that means during hurricane season for you Floridians), or while riding in a convertible as your big hair might get caught in the draft. I also do not recommend wearing the Bumpit while running. Trust me.

Coming out of the closet about the Bumpit was difficult. I compare it to wearing a padded bra. There are some secrets that just don’t need to be shared. But I couldn’t resist with the Bumpit. In the name of momentous moms, I felt it was my duty to spread this life-changing discovery. Let me explain. When I get up in the morning and don’t have time (or more honestly, don’t feel like) washing and styling my hair, I get out the Bumpit, put my little secret in place, strategically cover it with hair, smooth everything else back, and then plaster my head with hair spray. It’s that simple. Moms, your lives are already complicated enough. Why not simplify your hair? (And no I’m not getting any Bumpit kickbacks).

So, here’s my point. The Bumpit––simplified beauty at its best, quite intentional, and quite humorous––all MOMentous Health core principles. So, for a good laugh, I mean for more information, go to and check out for yourself the amazing Bumpit. Fully endorsed by MOMentous Health. But shhhh, don’t tell anyone.

March 25, 2010 at 1:13 am

My Life as a Fartlek

Go ahead. Laugh or gasp or whatever you need to do because it’s true––my life feels like one big fartlek. I recently came to this realization when I recognized that I live life in different gears. Sometimes I surprise myself with intentionality and productivity, while other moments I pray to just get through the day. Fartleks are similar. A running term which means “speed play” in Swedish, farleks intersperse short bursts of speed into a normal run to improve speed and endurance. I was thinking about this yesterday while participating in a 5K event sponsored by my son’s school. I did something I’ve never done before––I interspersed walking with my running. Although frustrated that I walked, I was later pleasantly surprised when I finished under my goal time. In retrospect, I needed a few short breaks to help me finish strong. Although not a true fartlek performance, I like to think of my gear shifting as being quite intentional. I was tired from being out of town the previous two days and actually got sick later that afternoon. My body was telling me to take it easy. Life is like this too. Intentionally mixing in some down time with high performance moments can improve your overall quality of life. So go ahead. Fartlek.

For MOMentous Moms, our core principle this week is intentionality. Ponder the following definition and ask yourself if you focus on the best and let go of the rest? Or, do you tend to look at life as one big race, always trying to run it as fast and as hard as you can?

Intentionality focusing on the best

Intentionality lives life as if she had only one day left to live. She focuses on the best and lets go of the rest. Guided by her God-given purpose, Intentionality is positively driven like a thunderous, yet beautifully cascading waterfall.

See you on the track Tuesday.

March 15, 2010 at 1:09 am 2 comments

The Real Job of Moms

Here is the conclusion from a Focus on the Family article by Tim Sanford called The Real Job of Moms. He ends with a MOMentous Health message: “When momma’s healthy, everybody benefits.”

Before you feel burdened with a mile-long list you can never follow through on, let me be quick to say that nurturing is not about “doing it all” or doing it perfectly. It’s about doing the best you can — without losing yourself or driving yourself crazy because your own needs aren’t taken care of. You won’t be able to nurture your children if you’re exhausted from burning the candle at both ends.

So please take care of yourself, too.

Taken from Losing Control & Liking It by Tim Sanford

March 5, 2010 at 10:27 pm 1 comment

Perseverance––maintaining momentum

MOMentous Health Moms, our core principle for the next two weeks is:

Perseverance maintaining momentum

Perseverance continues forward when she would rather quit. She journeys through life arm-in-arm with encouragement and accountability––facing inevitable struggles with strength and determination. Like a perennial plant, Perseverance faces each day with unrelenting vigor.

As mothers, we have many opportunities to exercise perseverance––having a strong willed child, overcoming fatigue, juggling crazy schedules, being a mom when you’d rather be out with the girls or sitting in a bubble bath or reading a good book. What have you persevered through and how did you do it? I welcome your comments.

March 1, 2010 at 1:44 pm 2 comments

About MOMentous Health

DEBBY HENRY earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Northwest Missouri State University. Her first book, A Tale of Two Rats, is based on a nutrition experiment that sparked in her a desire to help families eat healthier. In addition to writing, Debby’s passions include family, fitness, and traveling most anywhere, especially off the beaten path. Debby captured all her passions in her second book, Beyond the Horizon, which chronicles her family’s 100-day adventure across Central and South America and the Caribbean. Debby strives to live beyond the horizon every day however, and loves to encourage others to do the same. By allowing God room to work his plan, Debby is driven by faith that He will grow us to our highest potentials if we summon the courage to follow.

MISSION: shaping a better world — one mom at a time.
VISION: encouraging moms to pursue their passions.

“When Momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.”

We laugh, but MOMentous Health recognizes this truth and serves as a motherly reminder that moms are a momentous force to the health of our world––a force not to be taken lightly.

When we are more intentional in nourishing ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually, we find peace and power in our purpose. We become real. Authentic. And we persevere through life. And while momentous moms embrace total fitness, we also value our highs and lows, giving ourselves grace to be imperfect. It’s motherhood at its best.

Through healthful resources, MOMentous events, and purposeful products, MOMentous Health promotes optimal fitness in spirit, mind, and body––ultimately encouraging moms to pursue their passions.

When Momma’s healthy, everybody benefits.

CORE VALUES (acronym for “shaping”)

● Simplicity–shedding weights
● Humor–rejoicing in goodness
● Authenticity–living from within
● Perseverance–maintaining momentum
● Intentionality–focusing on the best
● Nourishment–striving for balance
● Grace–embracing imperfection